Tuesday 5 March 2013

Calzones: BBQ Chicken Calzones

May 15, 2008 UPDATE: Since initially trying this, I have made it many, many times. I use the WalMart Brand Pizza Dough mix you add water too and Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, I also add some chopped onion before baking, I really think that the cilantro adds an extra dimension to the calzone and shouldn't be omitted (unless of course you don't like it). I have also brushed the crust with butter spread before baking with excellent results. This is an AR fave.6/17/2007:These are delicious and so easy. I made "minis" for a bridal shower and everyone raved. The beauty of this recipe is you can you use whatever ingredients you like (try turkey kielbasa with green peppers, onions, pizza sauce, and fresh basil); the one suggestion I would make is to saute garlic in a pan and brush over calzones before baking, I have also found the cooking time to be a little excessive.

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